Thursday, October 16, 2014

WH Questions with Mummy

To go along with our theme this month, I created a Mummy WH Questions project for my students working on answering questions. I combined some ideas that I found on Pinterest, like this and this

For the craft, I cut out the strips of paper with Halloween themed questions. The questions targeted who, what, why, where, and when. I have them for you in my Google Docs account. Here are the questions I used, print off as many as you want! I also prepped the activity by pre-cutting the bodies that would become the base of the Mummy. As the student answered the questions, he or she got to add the white paper strips onto the body, like this. They got pretty soggy with Elmer's Glue, so midweek I gave them glue sticks to use instead.

The students glued on all the strips, covering the entire body, until it looked like this guy.

While they chose googly eyes for the Mummy, I trimmed the edges like so.

The eyes were added, and the Mummys were done!


Definitely too cute to spook!

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