Monday, November 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Therapy Pack

I have a new therapy pack listed in my TPT store: Thanksgiving Therapy Pack. This 31 page Thanksgiving therapy pack includes six activities to target multiple Speech & Language needs. Six games for $3, what a deal! Check out what is included below.

I am Thankful for Speech: Open Ended Game, for all S&L Targets. 

This game and cards will look best in color, but are still fun when printed gray-scale. Print onto card-stock and laminate to use them again and again.
· Number cards can be used for each turn to determine how many spaces a student moves the game piece. A die is another option for play!
· Use a coin or a game piece from another game for play. I like to use a piece of candy for extra fun. Then the student can eat it at the end of the game!
· I use this game paired with stimulus cards that target all areas of speech and language.

Roll! Turkey Roll!: Open Ended Game, for all S&L Targets

This game will look best in color, but is still fun when printed gray-scale. Print onto card-stock and laminate to use it again and again.
· In addition to the game board, you will need two die. Use coins, bingo chips, or game pieces from another game for play. I like to use candy for extra fun. Then the student can eat it at the end of the game!
· The student rolls two die to determine which square to cover with a game piece. For example, if they roll a 1 and a 3, they would find the square that intersects at those numbers and cover it.
· The object of the game is to cover your board first.
· I use this game paired with stimulus cards that target all areas of speech and language.

Thanksgiving Following Directions: Auditory Memory and Concepts Activity

Give each student a copy of the thanksgiving scene, a pencil and crayons. I remind them that I will tell them the direction, and that to help remember the direction that should say it back to themselves. Either in their head or whispering. 

Here are some sample directions: 

1. Write your name by your favorite pilgrim or native American

2. Color the pilgrim girl’s hat green

3. Draw a happy face on each of the acorns

4. Circle the owl that is hiding behind the corn

5. Underline the turkey with feathers that is in front of the pilgrim


What do they have?: Has/Have Card Game

Print cards on card-stock. These cards look best in color, but are still fun when printed in gray-scale. Cut out the front and back sides of the Has/Have cards and glue together. Laminate to ensure durability!

Here are some sample phrases included in the answer key: 
1. They have a pumpkin, apple and corn.
2. She has three owls.
3. They have an owl.
4. He has three acorns and a turkey.
5. They have corn.
Where is the Owl?: Concepts Card Game
Print cards on card-stock. These cards look best in color, but are still fun when printed in gray-scale. Cut out the front and back sides of the Where is the Owl cards and glue together. Laminate to ensure durability!

Here are some sample phrases included in the answer key: 
1. On the pennant
2. In the leaves/behind the leaves/on the leaves
3. Behind the apple
4. On the pumpkin
5. On the branch

Turkey Synonyms: Worksheets 

Print in color or gray-scale. Use this worksheet for therapy or send home for   homework. You can even laminate the page to use it again and again with a dry erase marker. Additionally, I have included a blank worksheet so you can add your own target word.

You can also get this set for free here.

Until next time! Enjoy!

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