Monday, March 2, 2015

February in the Speech Room

February has come and gone, and I have moved onto new activities and bulletin boards for March. But, I wanted to share what we did in the therapy room last month.

The most popular part of all? Mine Craft! Are your student's into this game? It is kinda weird. Basically, it is a pixel-ated video game that allows you to build a world, and visit your friend's worlds online. Not my thing, but the kids like it. Here is my bulletin board with an essence of Mine Craft.

The other board in my class featured a bunch of cupcakes. Sweet! Actually, Speech is Sweet!

I incorporated a lot of cupcake activities into February therapy. My articulation kids got to decorate the cupcakes with sprinkles. Fake sprinkles. Made with paint dobbers. Here is a picture of a cutie practicing some l-blends and decorating a cupcake. You know the drill: say the target word 10x/in a sentence/etc. and do the reinforcer (paint dot on the cupcake).

The artic. kids also made a Speech Love Bug. A super easy craft-ivity using paper hearts and googly eyes. But, I think they like using a Sharpie the best! I write target words on the heart, and the student says it so-many times and then glues it on the page.  I love these little buggers! 

For the kids with a variety of other goals, we made some sparkly cupcakes. Essentially, each sticker to decorate the cupcake was a token for practicing their target. The cupcakes are cute, but the glitter was a nightmare.

Most kids also made this cupcake I got years ago online from the Frog Spot Blog. It is all about things they love and can target a number of goals. I found it here


For those students working on vocabulary, I found a few activities on TPT, as well as a few of my own creations. I made a synonyms/antonyms BINGO game that you can get here in my TPT store. Bright, colorful, and CCSS aligned! Plus, just 2-bucks!


I also made this game from foam hearts I got at Target. The synonym matches are the same color with a straight cut down the middle of the heart. The antonyms are different colors with a broken heart cut. My speech group that is working in synonyms/antonyms put these together as a team. 

I found a few freebies on TPT for synonyms and antonyms. This game from Speech Time Fun, Valentine's Day Synonyms or Antonyms?!, can be found here.

And, another freebie from Teach Speech 365. "Whooo Loves Synonyms and Antonyms?" can be found here.

One more antonym freebie from Primary Inspiration. Here is a link

That's about it! Hope you had a fun and romantic February!

1 comment:

  1. Glitter= PIA

    Love your activities! What a fun speech room!
