Thursday, March 19, 2015

Welcome to the Spring Newbie Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Hopping into Spring Newbie Blog Hop. I am so happy that you are here to see my blog and check out a freebie in my TPT shop! I appreciate that you made all the stops on the hop to get here.  
I am an SLP working with elementary aged kids in sunny California. I have been blogging for about a year and love to connect with other SLPs on the web, especially through blogs, Instagram, and Pinterest. You can follow me on those social media sites too, just click on the links housed in my sidebar. 

The intention of the blog hop is for some new-to-blogging SLPs get their names out into the blogging world. We also want to help you get to know us and some of the products we offer in our TPT shops. We thought that a cool way to present the quality of our products would be to offer an exclusive freebie made especially for our Hopping into Spring Newbie Blog Hop

To celebrate my introduction to the blog world, I am giving you a spring themed speech therapy freebie. It is called Spring Pronoun Card Game. I made this game especially for our Hopping into Spring Newbie Blog Hop. It is a fun and easy card game that targets pronouns.


With 42 stimulus cards and 24 lose your cards (and get another turn) cards, students have the opportunity to learn and practice pronouns. This activity will help them to improve syntax skills as well as build their grammar knowledge. Here is a preview of some cards that will come with your free game.



Additionally, pronoun description cards are provided and can be used for direct instruction before the game begins. They can also provide a visual reminder to students as to how they are supposed to respond on their turn, whether it be he, she, it, or they.


This game will look best in color, but is still fun when printed in grayscale. Print and cut out cards on cardstock. Next, laminate everything. 
A variety of games can be played with your Spring Pronoun Card Game:

1. Cards can be used for an open-ended task (where students draw one card at a time and fill in the blank with the correct pronoun).

2. Cards can be placed in the center of the table. Each player takes a turn drawing a card. They provide the pronoun and keep the card. If they pull a cracked egg card, they must put all of their cards back in the pile. If they pull an Easter bunny card, they get an extra turn. Whoever has the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.

Download your copy of my Spring Pronoun Card Game here

Also, check out all of my other products in my TPT store here.

Thanks for stopping by! 

Next up in the blog hop is Renee at Keeping Speech Simple. Check her out here. Or, click the Hop to the Next Blog button below.

If you are a bit lost, you can start at the beginning with Jennifer at Speech Therapy Fun. Click here or on the Hop to the Beginning button below.

I would like to give a special thank you to Jennifer and Chelsea for organizing our newbie blog hop! You gals are awesome!

Thanks for coming, and I hope you come back soon!


  1. Such a cute way to work on pronouns! I will be using this with one of my little people next week, thanks!

  2. Adore your blog- glad you have found you through the blog hop!! GREAT NAME And Thanks for the freebie!
    Mia from Putting Words In Your Mouth

  3. Very cute freebie! I love the visual reminders!

  4. Love the pronoun activity! I'm looking forward to printing it out on my NEW color printer! It was so fun to see all of your new products on TPT. I will have to make some purchases next year with my MAA$. ;) Jen Naess

  5. Glad I found your blog (and hop). Great post and great freebie! Thank you.

    1. Hi Annie! Thanks so much for your support and enjoy that freebie!
